DMG Glass, LLC is a specialty glass company based in Charlotte, N.C.
DMG Glass has a niche in specialty-type projects that appear complicated because of design issues and/or time constraints. We commit ourselves to the highest standards possible, handling each project with both urgency and care. As a result, we continue to have repeat customers and perform mostly negotiated work.
Our projects mostly focus on work for Fortune 500 corporations, including hotels, banks, dealerships, hospitals and medical facilities. Our primary focus is interior glass doors and walls, exterior storefront and curtain walls, as well as back painted art glass.

DMG Glass, LLC was founded in 2017 by Jeff and Sarah Graham on the principle of “to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).
Today, DMG Glass is a leader in the glass industry completing jobs throughout the Southeast. Reliability, precision and care are among our guiding principles, and following those have led to several long-term relationships and repeat customers. With a niche in specialty-type projects that appear complicated because of design issues and/or time constraints, our projects have ranged in size from $500 to $3 million.